Cannabis and Anxiety

As cannabis legalization continues, research on the cannabis plant is ramping up — and the signs for anxiety sufferers are very promising

Anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the United States and most certainly an out of control symptom of our times, affecting 31% of the population — and that’s just what’s reported and diagnosed. 

The pervasive culture of the always-on mindset and the deluge of sensory overload via screens and social media, as well as post Covid-jitters and the negative vortex of politics and social issues, is undoubtedly driving people to the brink. 

Traditional medicine frequently funnels anxiety sufferers toward pharmaceuticals for relief, with cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation and breath work being other useful options of treatment. 

But as cannabis legalization continues it’s long, slow crawl across the country, research on the cannabis plant is ramping up — and the signs for anxiety sufferers are very promising. 

Studies show that one of the marijuana plant’s primary cannabinoids, CBD, decreases anxiety at all doses. 

THC, which produces the plant’s psychoactive effect, has been shown to decrease anxiety at lower doses.

Plantshop’s most popular pure CBD products run the gamut from flower (Radicle Herbs Magic High 5:1 eighths & Garden Society Calm & Focus pre rolls), to vape pens (Himalaya 21:1 CBD), tinctures (Proof High CBD) and edibles (Wyld Strawberry 20:1 or Garden Society 1:5 Sparkling Strawberry Rose)

The synergy of THC and CBD and how they enhance and modify each other produces what’s known as the “entourage effect.” A higher ratio of CBD with a lower ratio of THC frequently hits the sweet spot, producing a calming, non-psychoactive effect that doesn’t cause sleepiness.

If you’re looking to lock into the benefits of CBD and the entourage effect, check out these options: 

Kurvana Banana Smoothie 5:1:5 cartridges, Artet 1:1 sparkling aperitifs or Arcanna Happy Camper 1:1 eighths.

We’ve heard positive feedback about some indica-dominant full THC weed strains, such as Ventoso Farms Pistachio, that work at quelling anxiety, while producing a body high that can alleviate pain and discomfort. 

But it’s important to remember that some — new marijuana users and those with a low tolerance — may experience an increase in anxiety with higher THC consumption.  

Overall, cannabis, specifically CBD, shows great promise for help in coping with anxiety. As research continues and awareness grows, we look forward to a world with a little more chill and a little less stress. 

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